comparison n. 1.比较,对照;类似。 2.【语法】比较法;【修辞学】比喻。 There is no comparison between the two. 两者无法相比。 bear [stand] comparison with 不亚于,比得上。 beyond comparison 天壤之别;不可相比。 by comparison 比较起来。 Comparisons are odious [odorous]. 不怕不识货,只怕货比货;不和人家比,不显自己臭。 in comparison with 和…比起来。 without comparison 无与伦比。
risk n. 1.风险,危险;冒险。 2.【保险】(损失的)风险(率);保险金额;被保险人,被保险物。 at all risks=at any [whatever] risk 无论冒什么危险,一定,无论如何。 at one's own risk 对可能发生的后果自己负责,自担风险。 at owner's[buyer's] risk 由所有人[购买者]负责。 at the risk of 冒着…的危险。 run risks [a risk] 冒险;run [take] the risk of 冒…的危险。 take a risk [risks] 冒险;【保险】承保…的险。 take no risks 慎重行事。 vt. 冒…的危险;拼着,赌着(性命);好歹试试看,冒险去干。 risk a battle 冒险一战。 risk one's fortune [life] 拼着财产〔性命〕。 risk the jump 大着胆子跳跳看。 risk sb.'s anger 冒着某人可能会生气的风险;抱着受某人责备的决心试试看。 risk it 豁出去。
After following - up investigation and comparison , we found the trend that the credit risk comparison between the domestic evaluation methods and the foreign ones that the m ethods of foreign credit risk analysis have changed from financial ratio grading to multi - va riable and dynamic analysis based on capital market theory and computer information scie nee , but nowadays almost all banks in china evaluate credit risks by the methods of risk de gree computation which lack quantitive analysis 通过对国内外评估方法的跟踪、比较,发现国外信用风险分析方法已经从主观判断分析方法和传统的财务比率评分法转向以多变量、依赖于资本市场理论和计算机信息科学的动态计量分析方法为主的趋势发展。而目前我国银行机构主要使用计算信贷风险度的方法进行信用风险评估,缺乏定量分析,衍生工具、表外资产的信用风险已及信用集中风险的评估尚属空白,更没有集多种技术于一体的动态量化的信用风险管理技术。
The author believed that to set up and perfect fundamental database of internal rating , long term and systematic research must be carried out on basic characteristics , development trend and main risk factor of different industries . such a database will provide evaluation standard for risk comparison in one industry and between different industries for the evaluated object and help determine the credit class 本人认为为建立和完善内部评级基础数据库,必须对不同行业的基本特点、发展趋势和主要风险因素进行长期系统的研究,为受评对象在同一行业内部和不同行业之间的风险比较提供必要的评判依据,从而为信用级别的确定创造条件。